
OIACI takes a comprehensive approach to support the development of Ohio’s economy and community through the agriculture, food, and CleanTech sectors. By working to strengthen professional skills and knowledge, encourage exploration and partnerships in R&D, introduce innovative technologies, and promote trade, we approach the process of understanding needs and seeking solutions from the individual to the state level. While many of our programs address more than one need, we generally think of our programming as primarily relating to professional development, economic development, or research & technology.

Professional Development
Continuing education is vital in the agriculture, food, and CleanTech industries. As each of these industries becomes more globalized, keeping up with new standards and innovations, professional networking, and making international connections are important factors in success. Through our professional development programming, OIACI offers these opportunities to professionals in Ohio and Israel.

Economic Development
OIACI has a strong focus on supporting the economic growth of Ohio and Israel’s economies. In over fifteen years of work with these regions, we have been able to successfully facilitate many mutually beneficial economic partnerships while continuing to explore new opportunities through trade projects, missions, tradeshows & exhibitions, and emerging industries.

Research & Technology
R&D is the backbone of the agriculture, food, and CleanTech industries, with continually emerging technologies and practices guiding development. OIACI works to bring new developments in research and technology to and from Israel and Ohio. Through this approach, we make international collaboration and access between the regions easier, and open the opportunity to addressing local needs with global solutions.